To Soar Into The Sky:The Flying and Engineering Machines of Leonardo da Vinci

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As one of the most famous artists, scientists and engineers of the European Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci is a forerunner of the Renaissance and a legend in the history of human civilization. Tsinghua University Science Museum is now presenting the exhibition To Soar into the Sky: The Flying and Engineering Machines of Leonardo da Vinci. Including the Flying Airship, Grande Uccello, Two-wheels Hoist, Covered War Carriage and etc., the 25 models in this exhibition were built by the Univeristy’s restoration team based on Leonardo’s manuscripts and literary pieces, demonstrating his quintessential designs in the realms of flight and mechanical engineering. Celebrating Leonardo’s courage and persistence in challenging human limitations, this exhibition is a nostalgic remembrance of the great revival of the European scientific traditions.

To Soar Into The Sky:The Flying and Engineering Machines of Leonardo da Vinci